exchange 2013 ecp error 400  Bad Request

Is the account that you are using mail enabled on a previous version of Exchange?

It looks like it is re-directing to a previous version of Exchange which does not have ECP.

There are 2 resolutions for this

1. Disconnect the mailbox from the account

2. Move the mailbox to Exchange 2013

  • Proposed as answer by Kevin Rowlands Friday, June 07, 2013 10:00 AM
  • Unproposed as answer by mrPsycho Monday, June 10, 2013 8:31 AM
June 7th, 2013 9:57am

i'll try to get 

entering my credentials and i get  Bad Request :( 

i found some solutions for 2010, but it wouldn't work :(

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June 7th, 2013 11:07am

Is the account that you are using mail enabled on a previous version of Exchange?

It looks like it is re-directing to a previous version of Exchange which does not have ECP.

There are 2 resolutions for this

1. Disconnect the mailbox from the account

2. Move the mailbox to Exchange 2013

June 7th, 2013 12:57pm

i aleady did step 2. 

all my accounts under 2013.

also i've tried to run Remove-EcpVirtualDirectory to create it again - but no luck. 

i have this:

[PS] C:\Windows\system32>Remove-EcpVirtualDirectory
Remove-EcpVirtualDirectory : The term 'Remove-EcpVirtualDirectory' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1
+ Remove-EcpVirtualDirectory
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (Remove-EcpVirtualDirectory:String) [], CommandNotFoundException    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

and this is on clean Win 2012 std server with only Excahnge 2013 installed by this manual: 

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 7th, 2013 1:05pm

also i have this in IIS logs:

2013-06-08 12:31:52 POST /owa/auth.owa - 443 - Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+10.0;+Windows+NT+6.2;+WOW64;+Trident/6.0) 401 2 64 0
2013-06-08 12:31:52 POST /owa/auth.owa - 443 - Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+10.0;+Windows+NT+6.2;+WOW64;+Trident/6.0) 401 2 5 0
2013-06-08 12:31:52 POST /owa/auth.owa - 443 - Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+10.0;+Windows+NT+6.2;+WOW64;+Trident/6.0) 401 1 2148074254 0
2013-06-08 12:31:52 POST /owa/auth.owa - 443 elegion\administrator Mozilla/5.0+(compatible;+MSIE+10.0;+Windows+NT+6.2;+WOW64;+Trident/6.0) 400 0 0 15
2013-06-08 12:31:52 ::1 GET /ecp/ - 443 - ::1 AMProbe/Local/ClientAccess - 302 0 0 0
2013-06-08 12:31:59 ::1 POST /OWA/auth.owa - 443 ELEGION\SM_790ad54513e14317b ::1 AMProbe/Local/ClientAccess - 400 0 0 15
2013-06-08 12:32:09 GET /AutoDiscover/ - 443 ELEGION\SM_790ad54513e14317b AMProbe/Local/ClientAccess - 200 0 0 0
2013-06-08 12:32:14 ::1 GET /ecp/ReportingWebService/ - 443 - ::1 AMProbe/Local/ClientAccess - 302 0 0 0

June 8th, 2013 3:33pm

It seems like server configuration issue and we need to rebuild the ECP virtual directory.

I'd suggest you check the permission and the management role you are using to run the cmdlet Remove-EcpVirtualDirectory.

For detailed, refer to:

Hope it is helpful.

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June 10th, 2013 5:37am

thanks, but i dont have this command! where i can find it or install?
June 10th, 2013 9:02am

You are running this in the Exchange 2013 Management Shell? 

Also do NOT manually import the PowerShell module if you are doing that.

If you are using the proper Management Shell, and if you don't see the cmdlet, they who are you logged on as?  If you don't have permissions to a cmdlet then you don't see it in Exchange 2010/2013.

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June 10th, 2013 3:28pm

Yes, i'm running Exchange 2013 Management Shell. 

and i'm logged on as domain administrator... if it possible, could you help me to check permissions? 

June 10th, 2013 3:41pm

Target of executing script is: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noexit -command ". 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\RemoteExchange.ps1'; Connect-ExchangeServer -auto -ClientApplication:ManagementShell " 

so, answering your question: all seems to be fine. but it doesn't work :(

  • Edited by mrPsycho Tuesday, June 11, 2013 12:11 PM
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June 11th, 2013 12:10pm


get-command remove-e*

and copy/paste the output list here. Just wondering if you see only generic powershell commands, or the exchange snapin ones, too.

June 11th, 2013 2:10pm



[PS] C:\Windows\system32>get-command remove-e*

CommandType     Name                                               ModuleName
-----------     ----                                               ----------
Cmdlet          Remove-Event                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility
Cmdlet          Remove-EventLog                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management

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June 11th, 2013 2:19pm

What exactly are you doing to open up the management shell? List the steps please.
June 11th, 2013 2:31pm

You are only seeing generic PS commands there. There are several Exchange-related commands in addition to those. I'm not sure why you don't see them, but the most obvious one would be that you have started up an ordinary powershell session, instead of an Exchange Shell one (which is why this has already been mentioned). Another reason might be that the snapins are failing to load. Do you see any error message in the shell window? What is the executable target for the link you click on to open your shell (right-click it and check the properties)? Does it contain a parameter named "-Command" ending with .ps1? Is there also something like "Connect-ExchangeServer -auto" in there?

Please paste the whole thing if yo

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June 11th, 2013 2:32pm

1. Pressing "Windows" key 

2. see this:


3. press "Exchange Management Shell"

4. and i see at start this:

         Welcome to the Exchange Management Shell!

Full list of cmdlets: Get-Command
Only Exchange cmdlets: Get-ExCommand
Cmdlets that match a specific string: Help *<string>*
Get general help: Help
Get help for a cmdlet: Help <cmdlet name> or <cmdlet name> -?
Show quick reference guide: QuickRef
Exchange team blog: Get-ExBlog
Show full output for a command: <command> | Format-List

Tip of the day #40:

Forgot what the available parameters are on a cmdlet? Just use tab completion! Type:

 Set-Mailbox -<tab>

When you type a hyphen (-) and then press the TAB key, you cycle through all the available parameters on the cmdlet. Wan
t to narrow your search? Type part of the parameter's name and then press the TAB key. Type:

 Set-Mailbox -Prohibit<tab>

VERBOSE: Connecting to iatepus.elegion.local.
VERBOSE: Connected to iatepus.elegion.local.
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>

June 11th, 2013 3:08pm

Target of executing script is: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noexit -command ". 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\bin\RemoteExchange.ps1'; Connect-ExchangeServer -auto -ClientApplication:ManagementShell " 

so, answering your question: all seems to be fine. but it doesn't work :(

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
June 11th, 2013 3:10pm

Well, it does say 'Welcome to the Exchange Management Shell' in your cmd window, so you are certainly starting it in the correct way. What do you see if you try that


cmdlet? Is anything at all listed? You should see a list of the Exchange-related commands available to you. If not, then it has to be a permissions problem. I think.

June 12th, 2013 12:24pm

CommandType     Name                                               ModuleName                                          
-----------     ----                                               ----------                                          
Function        Add-DistributionGroupMember                        iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Add-MailboxFolderPermission                        iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Clear-ActiveSyncDevice                             iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Clear-MobileDevice                                 iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Clear-TextMessagingAccount                         iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Compare-TextMessagingVerificationCode              iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Disable-App                                        iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Disable-InboxRule                                  iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Disable-UMCallAnsweringRule                        iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Enable-App                                         iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Enable-InboxRule                                   iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Enable-UMCallAnsweringRule                         iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-ActiveSyncDevice                               iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-ActiveSyncDeviceStatistics                     iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-App                                            iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-CalendarNotification                           iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-CalendarProcessing                             iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-CASMailbox                                     iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-DistributionGroup                              iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-DistributionGroupMember                        iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-Group                                          iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-InboxRule                                      iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-Mailbox                                        iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration                  iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-MailboxCalendarConfiguration                   iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-MailboxCalendarFolder                          iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-MailboxFolder                                  iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-MailboxFolderPermission                        iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-MailboxJunkEmailConfiguration                  iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-MailboxMessageConfiguration                    iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-MailboxRegionalConfiguration                   iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-MailboxSpellingConfiguration                   iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-MailboxStatistics                              iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-MessageCategory                                iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-MessageClassification                          iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-MessageTrackingReport                          iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-MobileDevice                                   iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-MobileDeviceStatistics                         iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-Recipient                                      iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-SiteMailbox                                    iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-SiteMailboxDiagnostics                         iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-TextMessagingAccount                           iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-UMCallAnsweringRule                            iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-UMMailbox                                      iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-UMMailboxConfiguration                         iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-UMPhoneSession                                 iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-User                                           iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Get-UserPhoto                                      iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        New-App                                            iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        New-InboxRule                                      iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        New-MailboxFolder                                  iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        New-MailMessage                                    iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        New-SiteMailbox                                    iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        New-UMCallAnsweringRule                            iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Remove-ActiveSyncDevice                            iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Remove-App                                         iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Remove-DistributionGroupMember                     iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Remove-InboxRule                                   iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Remove-MailboxFolderPermission                     iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Remove-MobileDevice                                iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Remove-UMCallAnsweringRule                         iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Remove-UserPhoto                                   iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Search-MessageTrackingReport                       iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Send-TextMessagingVerificationCode                 iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Set-CalendarNotification                           iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Set-CalendarProcessing                             iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Set-CASMailbox                                     iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Set-InboxRule                                      iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Set-Mailbox                                        iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Set-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration                  iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Set-MailboxCalendarConfiguration                   iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Set-MailboxCalendarFolder                          iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Set-MailboxFolderPermission                        iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Set-MailboxJunkEmailConfiguration                  iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Set-MailboxMessageConfiguration                    iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Set-MailboxRegionalConfiguration                   iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Set-MailboxSpellingConfiguration                   iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Set-MailUser                                       iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Set-SiteMailbox                                    iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Set-TextMessagingAccount                           iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Set-UMCallAnsweringRule                            iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Set-UMMailbox                                      iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Set-UMMailboxConfiguration                         iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Set-UMMailboxPIN                                   iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Set-User                                           iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Set-UserPhoto                                      iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Start-UMPhoneSession                               iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Stop-UMPhoneSession                                iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Test-SiteMailbox                                   iatepus.elegion.local                               
Function        Update-SiteMailbox                                 iatepus.elegion.local                               
Cmdlet          Add-Computer                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Add-Content                                        Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Add-Member                                         Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Add-Type                                           Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Checkpoint-Computer                                Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Clear-Content                                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Clear-EventLog                                     Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Clear-Item                                         Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Clear-ItemProperty                                 Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Clear-Variable                                     Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Compare-Object                                     Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Complete-Transaction                               Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          ConvertFrom-Csv                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          ConvertFrom-Json                                   Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          ConvertFrom-StringData                             Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Convert-Path                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          ConvertTo-Csv                                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          ConvertTo-Html                                     Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          ConvertTo-Json                                     Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          ConvertTo-Xml                                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Copy-Item                                          Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Copy-ItemProperty                                  Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Debug-Process                                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Disable-ComputerRestore                            Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Disable-PSBreakpoint                               Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Enable-ComputerRestore                             Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Enable-PSBreakpoint                                Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Export-Alias                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Export-Clixml                                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Export-Csv                                         Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Export-FormatData                                  Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Export-PSSession                                   Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Format-Custom                                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Format-List                                        Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Format-Table                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Format-Wide                                        Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Get-Alias                                          Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Get-ChildItem                                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Get-ComputerRestorePoint                           Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Get-Content                                        Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Get-ControlPanelItem                               Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Get-Culture                                        Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Get-Date                                           Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Get-Event                                          Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Get-EventLog                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Get-EventSubscriber                                Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Get-FormatData                                     Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Get-Host                                           Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Get-HotFix                                         Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Get-Item                                           Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Get-ItemProperty                                   Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Get-Location                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Get-Member                                         Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Get-Process                                        Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Get-PSBreakpoint                                   Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Get-PSCallStack                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Get-PSDrive                                        Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Get-PSProvider                                     Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Get-Random                                         Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Get-Service                                        Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Get-TraceSource                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Get-Transaction                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Get-TypeData                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Get-UICulture                                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Get-Unique                                         Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Get-Variable                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Get-WmiObject                                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Group-Object                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Import-Alias                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Import-Clixml                                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Import-Csv                                         Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Import-LocalizedData                               Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Import-PSSession                                   Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Invoke-Expression                                  Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Invoke-Item                                        Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Invoke-RestMethod                                  Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Invoke-WebRequest                                  Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Invoke-WmiMethod                                   Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Join-Path                                          Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Limit-EventLog                                     Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Measure-Command                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Measure-Object                                     Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Move-Item                                          Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Move-ItemProperty                                  Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          New-Alias                                          Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          New-Event                                          Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          New-EventLog                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          New-Item                                           Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          New-ItemProperty                                   Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          New-Object                                         Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          New-PSDrive                                        Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          New-Service                                        Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          New-TimeSpan                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          New-Variable                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          New-WebServiceProxy                                Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Out-File                                           Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Out-GridView                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Out-Printer                                        Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Out-String                                         Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Pop-Location                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Push-Location                                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Read-Host                                          Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Register-EngineEvent                               Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Register-ObjectEvent                               Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Register-WmiEvent                                  Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Remove-Computer                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Remove-Event                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Remove-EventLog                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Remove-Item                                        Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Remove-ItemProperty                                Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Remove-PSBreakpoint                                Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Remove-PSDrive                                     Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Remove-TypeData                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Remove-Variable                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Remove-WmiObject                                   Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Rename-Computer                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Rename-Item                                        Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Rename-ItemProperty                                Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Reset-ComputerMachinePassword                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Resolve-Path                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Restart-Computer                                   Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Restart-Service                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Restore-Computer                                   Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Resume-Service                                     Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Select-Object                                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Select-String                                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Select-Xml                                         Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Send-MailMessage                                   Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Set-Alias                                          Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Set-Content                                        Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Set-Date                                           Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Set-Item                                           Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Set-ItemProperty                                   Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Set-Location                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Set-PSBreakpoint                                   Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Set-Service                                        Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Set-TraceSource                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Set-Variable                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Set-WmiInstance                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Show-Command                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Show-ControlPanelItem                              Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Show-EventLog                                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Sort-Object                                        Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Split-Path                                         Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Start-Process                                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Start-Service                                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Start-Sleep                                        Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Start-Transaction                                  Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Stop-Computer                                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Stop-Process                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Stop-Service                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Suspend-Service                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Tee-Object                                         Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Test-ComputerSecureChannel                         Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Test-Connection                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Test-Path                                          Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Trace-Command                                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Unblock-File                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Undo-Transaction                                   Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Unregister-Event                                   Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Update-FormatData                                  Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Update-List                                        Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Update-TypeData                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Use-Transaction                                    Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Wait-Event                                         Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Wait-Process                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Write-Debug                                        Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Write-Error                                        Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Write-EventLog                                     Microsoft.PowerShell.Management                     
Cmdlet          Write-Host                                         Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Write-Output                                       Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Write-Progress                                     Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Write-Verbose                                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        
Cmdlet          Write-Warning                                      Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility                        

and thats all :(

now i made request to ms support. so i believe they help me and i write here what was the problem

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June 12th, 2013 1:56pm

Well, at least you can see some. I guess it's something to do with this

but I don't know enough about RBAC

June 12th, 2013 2:31pm

Indeed! I do not see all of the expected Role Assignments that I would expect if you are an Organisation Management Role member. To quickly check, is this account in the Oraganisation Management Group in AD?
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June 12th, 2013 3:07pm

yes, MS Support helped me.

problem was in "cached credentials". 

and when i did this:

You can remove the authenticated credentials from

Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\User Accounts

click the username 

  1. To the left you will see Manage your credentials.  From that select the share name and remove

    Once the above is done, delete using net use
  2. Start > Run > cmd > net use * /DELETE

all commands came visible and i could make changes i want.

Thanks all!

  • Marked as answer by mrPsycho Thursday, June 13, 2013 8:54 AM
June 13th, 2013 8:54am

yes, MS Support helped me.

problem was in "cached credentials". 

and when i did this:

You can remove the authenticated credentials from

Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\User Accounts

click the username 

  1. To the left you will see Manage your credentials.  From that select the share name and remove

    Once the above is done, delete using net use
  2. Start > Run > cmd > net use * /DELETE

all commands came visible and i could make changes i want.

Thanks all!

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June 13th, 2013 11:54am

Well, I have to admit that I never would have thought of that :)
June 13th, 2013 12:16pm

Since this is at the top of google, I thought I would respond with an alternate fix for the problem. If you set your default web site to redirect requests to simplify OWA ( redirects to OWA login page), this breaks ECP. 

In IIS, go into the ECP directory and uncheck the redirect for HTTP Redirect.

This fixed my problem. Hope I can save someone else all the hassle I went through following some of the other articles that led me astray. :)

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July 29th, 2013 1:47pm

Is problem solved?

Is this purely new Exchange 2013 installation or is it coexistent with older Exchange version?

My guess is that you have both Exchange 2010 and 2013 in the same domain and your entering username/password for an Exchange 2010 account?

If so please do this in new Exchange 2013 from Exchange powershell:

New-Mailbox name newadmin userPrincipalName Database "Your mailbox database

Grant this new user the following membership:

  • Domain Admins
  • Schema Admins
  • Enterprise Admins
  • Organization Management

Now try to login with this new user id in ECP

Good luck!

July 29th, 2013 3:14pm

Since this is at the top of google, I thought I would respond with an alternate fix for the problem. If you set your default web site to redirect requests to simplify OWA ( redirects to OWA login page), this breaks ECP. 

In IIS, go into the ECP directory and uncheck the redirect for HTTP Redirect.

This fixed my problem. Hope I can save someone else all the hassle I went through following some of the other articles that led me astray. :)

  • Edited by bmcaldwell Monday, July 29, 2013 5:42 PM Typo
  • Proposed as answer by KnightR1dr Wednesday, June 11, 2014 7:56 AM
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July 29th, 2013 5:41pm


Going into the ECP directory and unchecking the redirect for HTTP Redirect fixed my issue right away!

  • Edited by KnightR1dr Wednesday, June 11, 2014 7:56 AM
June 11th, 2014 7:55am

I went through all of those and back before finding your fix...and after removing the redirection, I was able to access ECP with the https://xxxx/ecp?ExchClientVer=15 path!

Hope these help others too!

Thanks a bunch, bmcaldwell!

Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
April 13th, 2015 8:34am

Thank you!!!! This issue came up after installing CU9 in my case.  Your fix solved the problem.
August 11th, 2015 12:27pm

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